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"On April 7th, 2008 we met out daughter Audrey and a few hours later she went to be with the Lord We knew from fairly early in the pregnancy that she wouldn't survive, but wanted to have as much time with her as we could have. This blog was started shortly after her diagnosis, and she will always be the inspiration behind anything good that comes from my writing."

Angie Smith



"This blog is in honor and memory of both my babies, Luke Shiloh and Lily Katherine. I pour my love into it, for it is my way of mothering them. It is a living memorial. I share my story as a tribute to my King, Jesus Christ. I pray that my words point all hearts and eyes towards Him. I also share to be a voice for unborn LIFE and to share both support and resources with post-abortive men and women, those facing an unplanned pregnancy, and those who have lost a baby, whether through stillbirth, miscarriage, or any other babyloss." ― Hannah Rose

This site also includes an amazing list of Babyloss Resources.

Cora died in her mommy's arms suddently and unexpectedy while breastfeeding. She was only five days old. They found that Cora was born with a congenital heart disease (CHD) that went undetected in the hospital. Her mommy is dedicaed to CHD awareness and stives to save other babies from  similar fate.

This blog aso contains  section caled "Helping a Friend Through Baby Loss". It's a great plce to learn the dos and don'ts of being a grievig other's friend.

"Since I too am a bereaved father, I realize that there isn’t much information or support services for men that have lost children. As men, we may get a few pages in a grief book that tell us how to respond to the grieving mother, but I haven’t been able to find many books that tell us how to help ourselves. Often times, men feel shame for not being able to “get over it” or “get back at it” like society thinks we should..."

A great blog and site for grieving fathers in a world where there isn't enough information on how the father should handle grief.

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